Classified Ads

For Guild Members: Sale listings with pictures (jpeg) are free. Other types of advertisements, up to 1/2 page vertical 3.625” x 9” or horizontal 7.5” x 4.5” with images, are $5 for Guild members.

For Non-members: The Guild will post ads at no charge for any item to be donated. Items for sale and display advertising are $20 for ¼ page and $35 for ½ page. Send check made out to Hudson-Mohawk Weavers’ Guild by snail mail to Guild Treasurer, Christin Knite, 43 Knob Rd, Corinth NY 12822.

Email ad copy either embedded in email or MS Word attachment and images in jpeg format as separate files, to Joanna. Deadline for copy and payment (if required) is the 20th of the month prior to publication.

We will renew your ad unless you notify Joanna by the deadline to remove it for the next issue.

If you are building your own ad please see formats herewith. All ads to have a 2pt black border. Please provide a press quality PDF.

Click HERE for Ad Specs.

April 2024 Ads